Run for a scholarship: coronavirus version

Every year, AFARI Executive Director J.B. Hoover asks AFARI supporters to pledge donations as he runs his annual marathon. Spring of 2020 brought us a pandemic and thus no marathon to join.

J.B. was undaunted. He decided to run his own course through Alton Baker Park in Eugene, Oregon, tracking along “Pre’s Trail,” named after world-class runner Steve Prefontaine, who trained there in the 1970s. Putting a new training strategy to use, J.B. set off to run at a steady heart-beat rate for the entire race. The first mile went well, but then he found his heart racing. He had to walk for awhile to bring his heart rate back to where it should be. For 6 miles, he walked and ran and walked some more, and then at mile 7 found himself able to find the steady pace he wanted.

He finished strong, feeling better than in after any of his twelve previous races.


Our year gathering support for ARI is running along a similar track, as we look for new strategies in these weeks of pandemic. While we might need to walk along for awhile, we hope to find our pace and raise the funds we need to support ARI participants with scholarships.

If you want to help, you can still join us by cheering J.B. for his run.


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